Monday, October 10, 2011

An Up and Down Day

In our reflections at the end of the day many kids commented on how much today was an emotional roller coaster. We started very much on a high note. Some students took a run with Mike Morgan over the Ben Franklin Bridge as the sun came up.

After a pancake breakfast, six students went with Fr. McCue to help with the Religious Ed. Classes. Each student was able to sit in on a class and help where they were needed. The rest or the group met us at the Cathedral, which is the main parish for the area, for 11:30 mass. Mass was in Spanish with a very lively band. After mass we walked over to a local cheese steak shop for lunch. Most kids had an authentic "Philly" cheese steak.

After walking back to the DSW house we got changed and broke up into two smaller work groups. One group went to Tent City since they did not go yesterday and the other swept up trash and leaves at the local park. The kids at the park commented on how friendly and appreciative people were for our work. After we finished sweeping, the other group met us at the park and we played a little game of pig before some residents came up and started to play.

At tent city today, students were able to talk to three veterans of the Iraqi war that were now unemployed. One man, Anthony, had served two tours in Afghanistan. he was very open and honest with the kids about his experiences. This was especially emotional for our students since we are from a highly concentrated area of military families.

After leaving the park, a group finished the brick project that we started on our first day. Another group painted the bathroom of the DSW house while Collin McAtee painted the DSW logo onto the wall in the dinning room over a bulletin board we had hung earlier.

We had a lovely meal of grilled cheese and baked chicken, followed by a surprise dessert of ice cream from the local corner store!

The kids are shining here - you all would be so proud of their courage and commitment to serving the people here. They are an amazing group.

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