Monday, March 26, 2012

Leaving Camden - Coming Home.

As we pulled in last night to the Amtrak Station at about 9 PM - the group was surprised to be greeted by the sound of cheering. A small but vocal contingent of Camden alum were there to welcome us home. It was a lovely way to return to Williamsburg - to be met by others who had been there and know how special and sacred a place Camden is.

Our Sunday morning was pretty low key. We got up, packed and cleaned, and then spent the rest of the morning reflecting on our time of service. We talked about what it meant, what we had seen, and what we hoped to carry with us as we returned. The students laughed, and cried, and thanked each other for this time.

We left the house at about 11 AM, and walked the mile to the Cathedral. We were met by Fr. Mike McCue and were ushered into the 11:30 AM Spanish Mass. The music and energy of the liturgy were wonderful, and a trio of Walsingham students sang for the community after communion. The assembly applauded loudly.

After Mass we went by subway to the train station. We had about 20 minutes to scramble and get lunch before we boarded, and before we knew it, we were on our way.

We said goodbye to Mrs. Kelleher at Richmond, and settled in for the long (in time) short (in distance) ride to Williamsburg. The students were chatty on the train home, laughing over experiences, teasing each other, and enjoying their new found friendships and camaraderie. And then we were home. We gathered for our last final prayer, and said goodbye.

One of my favorite things about this Camden retreat is to see the children just come to life. They are doing meaningful work, work that engages every aspect of who they are - mind, heart, soul, emotion. And they are experiencing such a hard place, a place where life is not easy, and therefore the parts of life that matter so much - love, family, friendship, stability - take on a deeper significance.

There is a quality to the joy and laughter on these retreats that is different than anything else I know with these kids at school. It is a joy that accesses some deeper place - a joy that rises out of an experience of love, of community, of service. It is an experience of really being alive. It is a tremendous privilege to be able to share in this experience with such loving and beautiful young people. Truly sacred space.

We are very blessed to have this chance. Thanks to everyone who helped us get there, be there, and get home. Thanks to John Caccetta, Anne Zagursky, and Danielle Kelleher - what fantastic team.

Thank you especially to the students - for your courage, your openness, your wisdom. (And your dancing.)


Mr. D

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day Three

The weather turned a little cooler and cloudier this morning. We woke up a little later, and the group was moving a little more slowly... two busy days in Camden have everyone a little sleepy!

This morning after a wonderful pancake breakfast cooked by Robert Rust we went to Immaculate Conception Cathedral in downtown Camden to do some gardening.  A group of students helped play music and sing for a baptism service in the Cathedral. Eleven kids were baptized, and our students accompanied!

After a delicious pizza lunch, we walked as a group to "Tent City", which is an encampment of homeless people off the highway. Over forty people live there in tents. A couple of the residents talked with us and told us their stories.

As I write this (4 PM) a few students play basketball in the backyard. I hear them laughing and cheering. Others are napping, or reading, or snacking. In a few minutes we will start prepping dinner, and then we will have Mass at the house with Fr. McCue. This evening a group will go to Joseph's House Shelter to serve dinner.

I can't believe we come home tomorrow already... time is going quickly.

Everyone is well... the kids have really been wonderful to have here.

Day Two

Sorry this blog is so late... I am writing it past midnight. What a beautiful and busy day!

This AM we went split into two groups - one went to New Visions Day Shelter for the homeless. Our students sat and talked with the guests at the shelter - playing checkers, chess, games, and just talking.

The other group went to the cathedral and worked handing out food and groceries. Both groups has pretty profound reflections about the people they met and served.

In the afternoon we clean up North Gate Park. Local residents walked by and thanked us - and some even helped us clean. We all were saddened by evidence of drug use everywhere in the park and playground. It is a tragic thing to see.

For dinner we split into three family groups and shopped at the Bodegas (corner stores). Each "family" got two dollars per family member to spend on dinner... and you had to eat what could be found in the corner shop. It was an eye opening activity to see what it would mean to feed a family of 7 or 8 with only a few dollars, and no big grocery store to go to.

In the evening we went to Rutgers for a talk, and then a group went to Joseph's House - an overnight shelter. They served meals and talked with the residents for a couple of hours.

We finished the evening with a powerful reflection and prayer time. The students are doing so well - and Fr. Mike McCue commented on how hard they are working and how positive they are.

Please keep praying for us... things are going well. We are praying for you!

Hope all is well.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

We made it - and had a busy day!

We arrived at about 12:15 in Philadelphia, and shuttled to the DeSales Service Works house in Camden.

We unpacked, found our rooms, and had a brief orientation with Fr. Mike McCue - who directs the program. Then we were off to clean the playground for Holy Name Catholic School, paint over graffiti on the walls, and play some football at recess!

After our outdoor work - we headed indoors to play with Holy Name students who are in aftercare until 5:30. Our kids drew, painted, played board games, ran, dances, played basketball, played tag, and ran themselves ragged playing with about 30 little kids. It was beautiful.
This evening Kenny - a man who works for DSW and was homeless for many years - will speak to us about his experience. And a group will go to Joseph's House night shelter to serve soup and spend some time with the homeless guests.

Right now a group is barbecuing hamburgers for the rest of us in the back yard - where we will eat this evening. It is a lovely day here...

The kids are in good spirits - settling and and getting used to being here. It is such a difference to wake up in Williamsburg and find yourself midday in Camden.

Please pray for us as we experience these days, and we will keep you in our prayers.

On the train

We made it to the train station in perfect time. As a group, they reserved us a car all to ourselves (at least for now). Our train pulled out right at 7 AM.

Most of the kids are sleeping as we roll north. When we arrive, we will have a brief orientation and then get right to work.

Our group is comprised of 18 students (9 boys and 9 girls) and four teachers. The students were very excited and chatty when we met this AM - they have really been looking forward to this.

We will try to post again this evening with some pictures of the house and our first day.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

We are off!

We depart tomorrow morning for Camden! Bags are packed, forms are filled out, train tickets are ready. We will meet tomorrow morning at 5 AM!

Say a prayer for us!

We will be updating the blog each evening as we go...

Thanks for all the support for this trip!