Monday, October 24, 2011

We did it!!

It only took us 5 1/2 hours, but we did it! The students and alums did a fantastic job - finishing WAY ahead of the teachers. And way to go Strups and Currans (who also smoked us, by the way).
But we all crossed the finish line!
It was great to have help from the Nanartowich, Werszner, and Gardner families!
Pictures and video to come!

Thank you to everyone who sponsored our athletes! We have raised over $1000 for our service programs!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Tough Mudder for Camden!

This weekend the ENTIRE THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT, along with three current students and two alumni, are competing in the TOUGH MUDDER event at Wintergreen, VA. It is a nine mile run and obstacle course, through mud, over walls, with fire and electricity to add to the fun!
Click here to learn more about Tough Mudder!

We are doing this event not only because it will be awesome but also as a fundraiser for our Camden Service trips. We have put together a short promo video to boost support!
 If you feel like making a donation toward our Camden program, you can sponsor one of our athletes!

Help our students and DeSales Service Works to make a difference in Camden!

Any questions, contact Steve DeLaney:

Monday, October 10, 2011


We pulled in about 7:15 PM to a wonderful crowd of families and friends. It was beautiful to see everyone, especially the group of Camden "alum" from last year.

We are all so grateful for this trip, and all of us are very tired!

Just a short video of some of our meaningful and humorous pictures. We hope to put together a longer on for a keepsake for all who were there.

Thanks again. Pray for all of those in Camden.

Good Morning!

We are packing and getting ready to head home. It has been a great time at DSW. The kids have a much different vibe and perspective from when they first arrived. When we left Friday morning they separated themselves by class. Now, they are much more of a unified group. It has been wonderful to see.

For parents, we encourage you to be patient with your child. They have been through an intense experience that is hard to put into words. We will do some process with them today, but it will take time. Often times students that experience a retreat like this need a few days at home in their normal routine before they start to open up. Please be patient with them as they usually open up after a few days. Ask them questions and be there for them. Coming back home after seeing such poverty can be difficult for some. Thank you for your support and prayers.

After we finish packing this morning, we will reflect on our time here and what it means as we head back to Williamsburg. At 10:30 we will start to head to the train station in groups. Our train number is 95 and we leave 30th street station at 12:00. We are scheduled to reach Williamsburg at 6:10. Last year we ran about an hour late coming home. We will attempt to keep everybody up-to-date. You can also call Amtrak at 1-800-USA-RAIL (872-7245) to check on our train status.

We will see you all in Williamsburg!

An Up and Down Day

In our reflections at the end of the day many kids commented on how much today was an emotional roller coaster. We started very much on a high note. Some students took a run with Mike Morgan over the Ben Franklin Bridge as the sun came up.

After a pancake breakfast, six students went with Fr. McCue to help with the Religious Ed. Classes. Each student was able to sit in on a class and help where they were needed. The rest or the group met us at the Cathedral, which is the main parish for the area, for 11:30 mass. Mass was in Spanish with a very lively band. After mass we walked over to a local cheese steak shop for lunch. Most kids had an authentic "Philly" cheese steak.

After walking back to the DSW house we got changed and broke up into two smaller work groups. One group went to Tent City since they did not go yesterday and the other swept up trash and leaves at the local park. The kids at the park commented on how friendly and appreciative people were for our work. After we finished sweeping, the other group met us at the park and we played a little game of pig before some residents came up and started to play.

At tent city today, students were able to talk to three veterans of the Iraqi war that were now unemployed. One man, Anthony, had served two tours in Afghanistan. he was very open and honest with the kids about his experiences. This was especially emotional for our students since we are from a highly concentrated area of military families.

After leaving the park, a group finished the brick project that we started on our first day. Another group painted the bathroom of the DSW house while Collin McAtee painted the DSW logo onto the wall in the dinning room over a bulletin board we had hung earlier.

We had a lovely meal of grilled cheese and baked chicken, followed by a surprise dessert of ice cream from the local corner store!

The kids are shining here - you all would be so proud of their courage and commitment to serving the people here. They are an amazing group.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Hard Work and Earnest Reflection

This afternoon involved a lot of hard work and some great reflection from the students. After lunch we split into three groups.

The first group went to Tent city. This is an area along the Cooper River about 1 or so from downtown Camden between the river and the highway. Since last year's trip, tent city has grown. We met a woman from Richmond that found her way here after running into some trouble. A young man, Alex gave us a tour of the area and showed us the river. He was very friendly, but very open about his experiences on the streets and trying to fight for his meal. Overall, it was an eye opening and as Mitch put it mind boggling experience.

The second group helped paint the DSW house that we are staying in. When the Oblates of Francis de Sales took over this house three years ago it was used as the rectory and parish offices for the Jesuits and Holy Name. Now since larger groups are coming into the house and it is a pair of old row homes connected together they have attempted to make some improvements. Our painters were eager to volunteer and painted the dinner room today. Their plans are to do a bathroom and hallway tomorrow and Collin will put a mural on one of the walls.

The third group worked in the back alley. Part of the group went with Mr. D to repair and put up fencing and the rest of the group worked on the brick project from this morning. Each group made  a lot of progress and we hope to finish both of these projects tomorrow as well.

Before dinner, Fr. McCue said mass for us at the DSW house since tomorrow the mass is bi-lingual. He has such a down-to-earth personality that the kids really gravitate toward. He spoke of Francis de Sales and the little virtues that can be so important in day to day life. He said that patience, gentleness, and respect can go a long way toward recognizing Christ. He also challenged them not to waste their here and bring something back with them to Williamsburg to make it a better place. Whether it is using the little virtues to improve daily interaction with people, or volunteering at a soup kitchen, he said we are called to do something.

 For dinner we split into family groups of 5 people. Fr. McCue gave each person $2 and he took us to local bodegas (corner stores). Each family had to pool their money ($10) and shop and cook dinner using only what was acquired for that $10. Meals ranged from burritos with rice and beans to hot dogs and Ramen noodles. Overall, the kids were very resourceful and did not go hungry like they first thought they would.

After dinner we watch a 20/20 special on Camden. Specifically in the special it paralleled three students at different ages in school for a year and how the poverty and home struggles created by their environment in Camden affected their education and their lives. It was very emotional for our kids to hear a teenager their own age talk about all he wanted to do was be the first from his family to graduate high school and work to get his family out.

We end each day with some journalism time and then each student tells of something that struck them during the day. We should all be proud of these student since their reflections are deep and meaningful. Not one person repeated what someone said or took the easy way out of speaking and more importantly, at least from  a theology teachers perspective, they asked some of the more bigger questions that often make us feel uncomfortable and were ok with talking about them knowing that we cannot have sufficient answers at least at the moment. These are truly remarkable young people who are working very hard and making all of us very proud.

Off to sleep.

Tree Planting and Brick Laying

Good Morning. After morning prayer and quick breakfast, we split into two groups.

The first group laid bricks into the back alley behind the DSW house. After Hurricane Irene a water pipe began leaking and has caused the alley to flood in certain parts. The group went to collect bricks from an old warehouse. After collecting the bricks they cleaned the alley and began to lay the bricks in the low-lying areas. In two hours they were able to lay about 150 ft worth of bricks.

The second group helping plant trees and installing a sign in and around the community garden. Hopeworks, a local non-profit, sponsored the event and the mayor and about 40-50 residents and volunteers help planted close to 35 trees. WA students planted two trees and installed the sign made by Mike Morgan, a worker at the DSW house and a WCA/VT grad. After all the trees were planted, our students came up with the idea to use the brick pieces that they dug up to line to mulch beds of the trees. It was a nice added touch and the residents really appreciated all of their hard work. A highlight was Melissa Funk being interviewed by KYW 1060, the major news radio station in Philadelphia. The interviewer said she has a really good chance to make the news this afternoon.

Off to lunch. Tom and Mr. D are grilling hamburgers and hot dogs. This afternoon, we will have one more service time and then a trip to Tent city before mass and dinner. Thank you all for your support and prayers.

Pictures and hopefully a news interview to follow.

Friday, October 7, 2011

A Great Start!

Hello Everybody,

We made it safe and sound to Camden. Our train was 40 minutes late getting into Philadelphia but we made it to the Service Works Center just in time for recess at the local Catholic elementary school, Holy Name. After recess we had orientation with Fr. McCue, the center director, and then participated in the Holy Name walk-a-thon around the block. After a quick lunch and room assignments, we split into three groups. One group helped at at after school care playing the school children. Another group weeded the community garden and the third swept and weeded the school playground.

We are now getting ready for dinner, pasta and eggplant from the community garden. After dinner Kenny, one of the men who works with the center and was formally homeless is giving a presentation.

Please pray for us as the Phillies play at 8:36 and we have a mix of Phils and Cards fans. It's going to be a great night.

We will try to post some photos from the day.  

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Camden Tomorrow!

Hello Everybody,

18 students and 4 teachers are headed to Camden tomorrow for the Columbus Day weekend. Please pray for us as we head out at 4:30 tomorrow morning from Walsingham and catch the train in Ashland at 6:15. Once we reach Camden (by 11:00 hopefully), we will get right to work at the De Sales Service Work Center. Our work will include working with Holy Name, the local elementary schools, planting trees at a local park, and cleaning the streets.

We will attempt to update this space everyday so you may see what we are doing.

Thank you for following!